Saturday, April 11, 2009

Really Now?

You started so strong,
but you didn't last so long.
Come back with HAIKUs!!!

* crabby *


year of our bellies said...

Hey haiku buddies.
I don't mean to come off harsh
but where did you go?

I love reading the
haiku you write but something
is missing. You know?

We need more feedback
more comments, more haiku! KEEP
THIS SITE GOING! (please?)

thisanjali said...

oh course of course, but
this means that YOU ALL MUST WRITE
haikus till you bleed,

till you sneeze and your
insides scream "SHUT UP! WAKE UP!


Thomas said...

Goodness me, till we bleed?
If it's in demand, I shall
provide. DILIGENCE!